

POST: 20  DATE: 29.01.20 How to improve CIBIL score ? Every finance institution will check the cibil score of the applicant before sanctioning the loan to check up the eligibility. In case you have had a bad credit history and you want your CIBIL score to improve then it is very important to understand the options that you have. Going to a “credit repair” company and paying a large sum of money may not be the best solution. Usually, there are 2 major issues with a CIR: 1.       Inaccurate information reflecting on the CIR Defaults on the payment caused either due to : Genuine financial hardship Missed payments on credit cards due to relocation internationally/ domestically Missed payments on non-receipt of statement Disputes with the lender on account of charges or annual fees Disputes with the lender on account of fraud FOLLOW THE BELOW STEPS: 1. BUY SCORE Buy your CIBIL Score and Credit report. This will cost you only Rs. 550/- and you can have acces
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